
"He asked the niece for the keys of the chamber where the books, the authors of the mischief, were kept, and she was happy to hand them over. They went in, the housekeeper too, and found more than a hundred large volumes, very finely bound, and some smaller ones ..." Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote, I-Cap. 6

The word aposento or chamber was used at the time very generically to refer to the different rooms of the house. Cervantes uses it very often, alluding with it more specifically to the private chamber of someone in particular, with his bed, or in the case of Don Quixote, with his books. This room evokes what the writer’s own most personal

The family documents mention various desks and tables, essential items of furniture for a writer. The room is completed by two paintings illustrating scenes of Don Quixote. Don Quixote sick (Don Quixote. Part I. Chapter 8) and Sepherd Chrysostome and sepherdess Marcella (Don Quixote. Part I. Chapter 14).Salto de línea
