These are the pieces displayed in the “connecting points between exhibition rooms”, zones technically termed adaptive lighting zones. They are corridors connecting the different Exhibition areas: the Education and Multisensorial Area, and the Permanent Exhibition.
The lighting conditions inside the Exhibition displays must be dim (maximum brightness of 50 lux and a total absence of ultraviolet light) meaning these areas serve as a transition to the Education and Multisensorial Area (or vice versa), which enjoy natural light.
The origins of the Museo del Traje. Centro de Investigación del Patrimonio Etnológico date back to a very specific moment in Spain’s history. The modernisation of the country in the first third of the 20th century gave rise to the celebration, in 1925, of the Regional and Traditional Costume Exhibition. The goal was to document those, mainly rural, ways of life destined to disappear.
On the following itinerary, indicated on the map, we propose discovering a bit more about the history of our museum, gaining an understanding of how cultural heritage is a concept in constant evolution