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  5. Multi-coloured Silk Brocade


Multi-coloured Silk Brocade

Multi-coloured Silk Brocade Pulse para ampliar

Ca. 1650

Multi-coloured silk brocade, interwoven with golden plates, extremely fine illustrations, flowers, birds and fruits with an oriental air. It traces fine vertical lines alternating with small lotus flowers arranged vertically, with wider strips of oriental motifs such as geese with stems in their mouths, a cloud accompanied by a lotus flower, pheasant, branches with birdhouse, ...

Dation: INDITEX S.A., 2003

The 18th century kicked off with this type of decoration in which the lines would become more and more twisted, moving to the point of losing any symmetry. Even though they are oriental motifs, they do not have a purely oriental distribution and interpretation, meaning they were probably produced in Persia.

Inventory: MT-088881
