The Library offers its users a document reproduction service as one of the most effective forms of accessing and diffusing information. This service is provided in strict compliance with the terms and conditions stated in Law 22/1987, on Intellectual Property, and its subsequent amendments, and Law 16/1985, on Spanish Historical Heritage and its subsequent amendments.
What can be reproduced? Salto de línea Books and leaflets, articles from periodical publications, maps and plans, graphic materials (prints, engravings, photographs…).
What kind of reproductions can be obtained?Salto de línea Photocopies (DIN A3 and DIN A4) and digital copy.
How to request reproductions:Salto de línea Any user can request them from the Library by filling in the form entitled "Reproducción de fondos", that will be provided at the loans counter. Telephone, letter or email ( [e-mail] ) requests will also be attended.
The following document types cannot be photocopied:
The drawings, photographs, prints and maps will only be reproduced as digital copies.
The photocopier in the Reading room is for self-service.
Any reader may photograph whichever documents they wish, using their own photography equipment. Authorisation to photograph must be requested from the Library staff.
Photos of documents can be requested from the Museum Photography Department. This reproduction system is subject to the same regulations and prices applicable in the rest of the Museum.
All requests to reproduce Library resources must be authorised by the Library staff.
The Library of the Museo del Traje y Centro de Investigación del Patrimonio Etnológico, does not accept responsibility for use made of the reproductions in breach of the author’s rights protected by law.
Public Prices for reproduction services Salto de línea In accordance with the Orden CUL/1077/2011, of APRIL 25TH, 2011 , which establishes the public prices of certain services provided by directive centres and autonomous organisations of the Ministry of Culture.