At the National Museum of Roman Art, research is seen as an essential part of the internal and external functioning of the Museum. Therefore, after the internal process of scientific work, the research is passed on to society in different ways and through different cultural offerings:
These are an essential vehicle in the process of 'socialisation' of scientific knowledge. They are a suitable and attractive medium, which must be able to attract any type of museum user to the scientific content.
Our exhibitions are planned and programmed by the Museum itself, which has created and generated numerous exhibition programmes as a result of its scientific activity, both in relation to its contents and its work. These include ‘150 Years in the Life of a Museum’, ‘Restoration and Conservation’, ‘Aquae Aeternae’ and ‘Ludi Romani’.
Often the Museum is the recipient of other projects that foreign entities place at the Museum's disposal and whose exhibition proposals prove fruitful, such as ‘The Dawn of Beauty’, a monographic exhibition on Pompeian painting executed through full-colour panels of the painted ensembles.
The publication of research results is vital for their firm establishment and dissemination to the scientific community. For this reason, the Museum has a strong editorial line of its own (see the following section on this website). It also actively participates in publications outside the Institution, and its work is reflected in numerous proceedings of seminars, meetings, congresses and specialised journals.