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Virtual School Tours

Today, we’re going on a tour of the museum... without leaving the classroom!

Children and teachers can continue to enjoy our tours from the classroom in a virtual and interactive way, thanks to the content we have prepared for all school levels. If you have any questions, please write to us at the following address: colegios.mna@cultura.gob.ese-mail. Come and connect with the museum in a different way!

Early Childhood Education

In this tour, we offer an imaginary voyage to Nunavut, which means 'Our Land' to the Inuit. In this very distant place - the North Pole itself! - we will learn about this cultural group up close through stories that we will tell around the fire, as well as learning about the clothing and traditions of these Arctic residents. Visit the North Pole from the warmth and comfort of the Museum!

Primary Education

In an imaginary journey through the museum’s halls, the children will use objects to discover the values held by different cultures, learn about topics such as the equality of all human beings in the Museum's Hall of History, hospitality in the Africa Hall, love for others in the Oriental Religions Hall, cooperation in the Philippines, and cultural mixing in the Americas.

Secondary Education

During this journey around the world, we will take a look at the different habitats in which human beings live. Over the centuries, people have adapted to living in regions where environmental conditions are difficult. Students will learn about examples of how different peoples have adjusted to the natural environment: the nomads of the Sahara desert, the Inuit of the Arctic regions, the indigenous groups of the Amazon and the inhabitants of the Philippine islands.
