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Legal situation

Situación jurídica
A museum of the General Subdirectorate of State Museums

The National Museum of Anthropology currently belongs to the group of 16 state-owned museums run directly by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, under the Directorate General of Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage and Archives and Libraries, through the General Subdirectorate of State Museums (Spanish acronym SGME). It therefore has no legal autonomy, but it is an integral and inseparable part of this administrative unit of the Spanish Central Administration.

The museum’s distinguishing features - its name, its purpose and its productive organisation - were defined by Royal Decree 684/1993 of 7 May PDF, later modified by RD 119/2004, of 3 January PDF.

If you would like to find out which the other museums of the group are and what they do, as well as the areas of responsibility and organisation of the SGME, you can visit the museums section in the website of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport Link externo.
