The cave of Altamira, saved

Indumentaria en la cueva de Altamira Pulse para ampliar

The cave of Altamira, Saved is a gamified tour inside this heritage site accompanied by some of the researchers and experts working to conserve the cave and its cave art.

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Excavación en la cueva de Altamira Pulse para ampliar

The site of the game: The Cave of Altamira, Saved.

In this game, we offer a tour through the cave of Altamira in which we’re not going to stop to enjoy its wonderful Palaeolithic cave art, but on some of the preventive measures being taken to guarantee that these paintings are conserved for the future.

Heritage Education. Archaeology, research, environmental control, geological monitoring, reduced access for people, biodeterioration monitoring.

Estación de medición en la cueva de Altamira Pulse para ampliar

In this game, you’ll learn about the preventive conservation of cultural heritage.

The conservation of the cave of Altamira is based on prevention, research and careful monitoring of everything that happens here based on both natural processes and the presence of people. The key to the preventive conservation of the cave and its paintings is guaranteeing their stability; that is, to avoid sudden changes in the cave’s atmosphere and vibrations in its surroundings.

Other key factors are research, an interdisciplinary approach, planning, monitoring, protocols and shared responsibility.

Better to Prevent than to Restore

The preventive conservation of the cave of Altamira is not limited to what happens inside the cave but includes what happens outside it, too.

In this other game, Better to Prevent than to Restore, you’ll find some of the measures taken to lower the outside risks which could affect the stability of the atmosphere inside the cave.

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