The Board of the National Museum and Research Centre of Altamira is an informative body; its role is to propose actions aimed at better fulfilment of the institution’s purposes and to encourage and promote the participation of society in the knowledge and enjoyment of the museum’s collections and its upkeep.
The Board is governed by Royal Decree 172/2010, of 19 February. This Royal Decree modifies the composition and functions of the Board (a body which had already existed since its creation in 1979).
The current Board Members are:
Chair (on an alternative basis)
Ministry of Culture and Sports: Ernest Urtasun Domenech.Salto de línea President of the Regional Government of Cantabria: María José Sáenz de Buruaga.
Ana Botín. Banco Santander.
Directorate General for Culture and Historical Heritage of the Government of Cantabria. Juan Antonio González Fuentes.
Ex officio members
Subsecretary of Culture: Carmen Páez Soria.Salto de línea Mayor of Santillana del Mar: Sara Izquierdo.Salto de línea Directorate General of Cultural Heritage and Fine Arts. Ministry of Culture and Sport: Isaac Sastre de Diego.Salto de línea Ministry of Culture, Turism and Sport of the Government of Cantabria: Luis Martínez Abad.Salto de línea General Subdirectorate of State Museums: Mercedes Roldán Sánchez.Salto de línea Directorate General for Culture and Historical Heritage of the Government of Cantabria. Juan Antonio González Fuentes.Salto de línea Director of the prehistoric caves of Cantabria: Roberto Ontañón.Salto de línea Director of the Altamira National Museum and Research Centre: Pilar Fatás.
Designated members
Members designated by the Ministry of CultureSalto de línea Isabel Izquierdo Peraille. Director of the National Archaeological Museum.Salto de línea Susana Alcalde. Deputy Director General of the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain.Salto de línea Eloísa del Pino Matute. President of the Higher Council for Scientific Research.Salto de línea María Agúndez Lería. General Subdirector of Cultural Management and Coordination.
Members designated by the Government of CantabriaSalto de línea Jean Clottes. Expert in Rock Art.Salto de línea Ángel Pazos. Rector of the University of Cantabria.Salto de línea Javier Botín-Sanz de Sautuola y O’Shea. Chairman of the Fundación Botín.
Members designated by Santillana del Mar Town CouncilSalto de línea Carlos Andradas Heranz. Rector of Menéndez Pelayo International University.Salto de línea Ignacio Polanco. Chairman of the Fundación Santillana.Salto de línea
+ Information:Salto de línea Real Decreto 172/2010 , de 19 de febrero, por el que se regula el Patronato del Museo Nacional y Centro de Investigación de Altamira.