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Mision and vision

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Altamira’s mission is to conserve the rock art of Altamira and the other public archaeological heritage entrusted to it and to promote intellectual access to its scientific knowledge and the Palaeolithic culture that constitutes its context to all members of the public. This knowledge should be generated by interdisciplinary research, both by the museum and third parties. The museum should promote intellectual activity, reflection and the desire for knowledge as a source of personal satisfaction and enrichment. In doing so, it should facilitate the development of unique experiences as a bridge between the public and its heritage.

Altamira is a landmark in terms of prehistory and universal art, particularly primitive art, and more specifically rock art. As such, the Museum of Altamira should undertake its mission in the same international environment affecting the heritage it has been entrusted.

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The Museum of Altamira lead in the management of Palaeolithic rock art based on preventive conservation. The museum should be intellectually accessible to all, both physically and virtually, with an image recognised and shared by the public. It should stand out on account of the quality of its services and differentiated activities, consolidating its position as an educational resource through its innovative attractions and as a quality product in the leisure and cultural tourism industry. It should also be integrate with strategic networks of sites with rock art.

The museum should be an agent for international cultural and scientific cooperation and must act as an institutional and technological tool for such cooperation.

Its management must be effective and efficient, geared towards excellence and run by motivated professionals working together towards shared goals.

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