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The Museum of Altamira is a research centre devoted to, among other things, the study of prehistory and early human art. The museum also aims to share this knowledge with society and raise public awareness about the valuable cultural heritage it manages and the need to protect it.

The museum frequently collaborates with other specialised institutions, such as museums, universities and research institutes, with a view to involving multiple scientific disciplines in its projects. It is also a member of various professional organisations and international committees.

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The Times of Altamira

The Times of Altamira

Research focused on the caves of Cualventi, Linar and Las Aguas for several reasons: the geo-archaeological records and artistic representations they contain, their proximity to the cave of Altamira, and the fact that they were occupied during the same periods.

The aim was to determine the palaeoenvironmental characteristics, material culture and artistic expressions of the region in the Upper Palaeolithic.

La cueva de Altamira. Estado actual del conocimiento del registro arqueológico PDF

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Prehistory and Rock Art at the Cave of Altamira

Prehistory and Rock Art at the Cave of Altamira

The Museum of Altamira studied the archaeological site inside and outside the cave. The results proved that Altamira was occupied by humans over 4,000 years longer than previously believed, up to the Gravettian period.

Outside the cave, an archaeological layer was found to contain Magdalenian remains that had been buried when the entrance collapsed some 13,000 years ago.

La Cueva de Altamira. Estado actual del conocimiento del registro arqueológico

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Research Project for Preventive Conservation

Research Project for Preventive Conservation and Accessibility at the Cave of Altamira

This project, conducted from 2012 to 2014, aimed to evaluate the incidence of the cave's natural dynamics and the impact of human presence, to define protocols for the admittance of researchers and sporadic visitors, and to design preventive conservation measures.

Informe final PDF

Historia de la conservación de la cueva de Altamira PDF

Plan de conservación PDF

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Itaguy Guasu

Record and Inventory of Paraguayan Pre-Pottery Archaeological Heritage and Rock Art

The focus of this project was a large rock shelter on Cerro Guasú, a mountain in Paraguay. Researchers studied the shelter to record and inventory its archaeological heritage, and also searched for, discovered, identified, recorded and inventoried rock art sites formerly unknown to the scientific community. The project was carried out in partnership with the National Secretariat for Culture of Paraguay.

Itaguy Guasu: Un abrigo con grabados de pisadas y abstractos en cerro Guasú PDF

Grabados de pisadas y abstractos en cerro Guasú PDF
