
Holy Family

Pulse para ampliar Sagrada Familia (1908)

Raimundo de Madrazo Garreta (1841-1920)

  • CE01932
  • 1908
  • Oil on canvas

Madrazo´s Holy Family is one of the most beautiful works in the Museum's collection. This work is a copy of an original Greco, now keep in the Hispanic Society of New York. We would like to highlight the extreme grace of this work, seen not only in the theme, the Virgin nursing the child, but also in the neat finish of the work.

This copy was made by Raimundo de Madrazo after selling the original to the American institution, in a time when the market for El Greco's works was flourishing. The Madrazo family, as well as one of the most influential artistic families of his time, was a family of collectors and art dealers. Raimundo became one of the favored painters in Paris' circles, specially for his flair for portraiture. his protraits had an aristocratic elegance, with soft modelling of the figures and sketched backgrounds of flowing execution. The Holy Family representation was very popular during the Counter-Reformation. In El Greco's compositions of the theme, the Virgin's face is considered one of his most beautiful femenine representations among his body of works.

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“Venéralo y prosigue tu camino”. La valoración y fortuna crítica del Greco a través de La Sagrada Familia, copia de Raimundo de Madrazo

Artículo por Roberto Muñoz Martín, conservador del Museo de Aeronáutica y Astronáutica de Madrid, para nuestra publicación 'Al detalle', en que analiza el cambio de paradigma acaecido a lo largo del siglo XIX en la fortuna crítica del Greco a través de la familia Madrazo, la gran saga artística del arte decimonónico español, y de, particularmente, la Sagrada Familia, copia del original del maestro cretense por Raimundo de Madrazo.
