
Votive lamp

Votive lamp (1801-1900) Pulse para ampliar Votive lamp (1801-1900)
  • CE00298
  • 1801-1900
  • Brass: Cast - Laminated - Modelled

Votive lamps are a type of liturgical pieces with the function of illuminating an image, generally one with a strong devotional following, or the Blesses Sacrament, so it was common to find these lamps next to tabernacles in the chapels.

The Museum's votive lamp is a 19th century piece of golden brass, modelled and with applied cast elements. It has no decoration, except at the border, where a fretwork crest with geometrical decorations can be seen. This is a representative example of Eclecticism, specially in the decorative crest, inspired by Medieval historicism.

This type of industrial made pieces from the 19th century, and specifically brass pieces, don't usually have stamps, unlike silver works, identifying the maker, city, and certified weight. The provenance of this work is unknown. It was probably one of the many purchases by the marquis of Vega-Inclán, Benigno Vega y Flaquer, for his foundationes.
