Tile plinth covering part of the walls in the courtyard. It is made of four bands of tiles, made in the arista technique with different decorations. In the inferior band there are plain green strips; the second band is made of square tiles with different geometrical decorations. Above this one, the tiles are bigger, with Arab-style decorations creating starry latice compositions every four tiles. In the last band, there are two different styles of tiles: one with central almond flowers, and other with a geometric decoration of ribbons, reminiscent of the kufic alphabet.
All these tiles can be dated between the beginning of the 15th century and the end of the 16th century. Due to the state of preservation of the plinth, between 1967 and 1990 works were conducted here. The tiles were taken out, restored, and in some cases rearrenged in order to complete some of the four-tile decorations. This work was guided and supervised by Toledo's ceramist Jose Aguado.
La colección de azulejos del Museo del Greco