
Biblioteca Museo Cerralbo

The library of the Cerralbo Museum specialises in art history, numismatics, painting, archaeology, decorative arts, sculpture, drawing, engraving, museum studies (museology and museography) and other disciplines and subjects related to the Museum.

It has a collection of approximately 24,000 titles, of which nearly 9,000 belong to Special Collections. These were acquired by Don Enrique de Aguilera y Gamboa, 17th Marquis of Cerralbo, during his lifetime. In addition, the library also holds 114 periodicals from the time of the Marquis of Cerralbo.

He acquired some of the most valuable books from auction houses, including several incunabula, manuscripts and books by some of history’s legendary printers, such as Anton Koberger, Antonio Sancha and Juan de la Cuesta.

The Marquis of Cerralbo expanded his library as his collection of fine arts grew, and books were the main tool for the study of his collections. Furthermore, from the very beginning this library was a reference library for the scholars of the time, including archaeologists and Spanish and European historians.

Its current focus is to serve the informational and documentation needs of museum staff and researchers.

Access to the library is exclusively for researchers, who must make an appointment by emailing the museum library ( , indicating the subject of their research and the items to be consulted.


Red de Bibliotecas de Museos. En este catálogo se pueden encontrar todos los títulos, bibliográficos y hemerográficos, tanto de la biblioteca de fondo antiguo como la de fondo moderno. Además, si el título está digitalizado, BIMUS incluye el enlace directo a dicha digitalización.

Acceso a la Red de Bibliotecas de Museos, BIMUS Nueva ventana

Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Español.

Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Español (CCPB). A través de este catálogo podemos encontrar los fondos de la biblioteca original del marqués de Cerralbo, es decir del fondo antiguo de la Biblioteca del Museo.

Acceso al Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Español Nueva ventana

Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico.

Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico. Podemos seleccionar la biblioteca del Museo Cerralbo y consultar los fondos que han sido digitalizados hasta la fecha.

Acceso a la Biblioteca Virtual de Patrimonio Bibliográfico Nueva ventana

Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Histórica.

Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Histórica. Podemos seleccionar la biblioteca del Museo Cerralbo y consultar los fondos hemerográficos que han sido digitalizados hasta la fecha.

Acceso a la Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Histórica Nueva ventana
