Citizen services Stage Arts and Music
In application of the quality programmes provided for in Royal Decree 951/2005 (Real Decreto 951/2005), of 29 July, establishing the general framework for the improvement of quality in the Spanish Central Administration, as well as legislation on the relation of the Public Administrations with citizens through electronic media, they can make their complaints and suggestions through the Electronic Register, addressing them to the central services of INAEM, or to any of its Production Units. A recognised electronic certificate will be necessary to do so.
The official filing date and time of the application is the date and time included when adding the electronic signature, i.e. when the "Sign and Send" button is clicked.
To make a complaint or suggestions on your own behalf or representing another person you should use a digital certificate belonging to a natural person.
To make a complaint or suggestion on behalf of a legal person you can use a certificate issued in the name of its representative or a legal person certificate recording the identity of the representative and the entity represented.
Complaints and suggestions can also be submitted in the central services of INAEM (Plaza del Rey, 1. 28004, Madrid), in any Units or any public record, either personally or by mail. For processing should be formalized in the standard form, available at the headquarters of the services referenced above and on this same page, a download.
Complaints and suggestions are not administrative appeals, nor do they suspend the deadlines in force for appeals established by current legislation, therefore they do not constitute, in any way, the waiving of any of the citizen's rights.