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Another of the Laboratory’s strategic lines is that of using training activities to provide museum staff with the preparation necessary to take on tasks related to visitor studies. In parallel with the research, different training sessions will be scheduled for the members of the Laboratory and the entire sector of professionals interested in visitor studies.


Alongside the research, specific courses will be programmed for all the members of the Laboratory on the topics determining the research projects underway. Internally, it is generally planned to organise two annual meetings:

  • One to review projects underway and pool aspects linked to them that are of general interest, such as the Museos+ Sociales Plan, in which the Laboratory is an active participant.
  • The other will be more theoretical-practical. From 2008 to the present time, several training courses and work days have been held related to the methodology for interpreting the data obtained in the research, with the aim of learning about the visitor profile. A course has also been run on social networks in museums, as well one related to quality assessment in museums and the good practices applied to the evaluation of museum activities.


The Laboratory plans to open itself up to other fields, mainly professional and university ones, so that learning opportunities can be widened for everyone and the management models and practices aimed at visitors can be extended.
