What is this for: to certify the cultural character of cinematographic productions and audio-visual series (fiction, animation or documentary) for which no production aid is requested but require certification of its cultural character to avail itself of deductions provided for in the tax regulations.
Applicants: production companies.
Initiating the process: by request of the interested party.
When to apply: together with the application for the certificate of nationality.
Where to apply: on the website of the State Secretariat for Culture , in the General Registry of this Ministry or where indicated in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015 of 1 October on the Common Administrative Procedure for Public Administrations.
Who decides: General Directorate of the Institute of Cinematography and Audio-visual Arts.
How long does it take: maximum one month after presentation of the application.
Appeals: Applicant can appeal directly to the Ministry and also through the Courts.