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Notice of exemption from liability

The ministry of culture that some contents of this website have been translated automatically by the institutional software provided by the secretariat-General for administration, PLATA New window and e-Translation New window (Translation service of the european commission) without revision by editors. Translation will not be implemented in real time, some translations can offer differences with the version in english and translated pages only legal and static.

PLATA use automatic translation engines licensed open source based on rules and statistics. For an automatic translation without editing direct manual, could not ensure the correct translation of all the terms. Occasionally, to use additional automatic translators for the sole purpose of checks and minimal correction in order to try to obtain reliable translation.

The quality translated content through rules-based translator (galician, catalan and valencian) is higher than 8 in the index SSER (Subjective Sentence Error Rate). The quality of translations via system based on statistics (spanish and basque) is more than 4 in the index SSER.

Updated information in february 2024.


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