The aim of the Bicentennial Latin American Independence Website is to accomplish one of the basic pillars of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte), which is to make accessible to the public the Historical Spanish Documentary Heritage as well as from the Spanish American countries.
The Spanish Archives Website (Portal de Archivos Españoles: PARES) of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports is an archival informative system from the states archives used as platform to develop diffusion projects. It is access-free to anyone interested in the descriptions and digital images of certain documents.
The Bicentennial Latin American Independence Website is a project held by the Archive Documentary Information Center (Centro de Información Documental de Archivos: CIDA) made with the purpose to honor the 200 years of the emancipation processes of the American countries that were once part of the Spanish Monarchy.
The emancipation process of the Latin American colonies and there constitution as independent republics, gave as a result a radical change in the Map of the New World. The Spanish Monarchy lost along the 19th Century the power over one of the biggest and richest empires of the world. In the first quarter of the century, a lot of territories were lost: Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Central America, Paraguay, Uruguay and La Florida. Saint-Domingue was lost in the mid century and at the end of it, the last overseas possessions: Cuba, Puerto Rico and Philippines.
To have a better understanding of the American colonies´ emancipation processes, the website has been made as it follows:
Progressively, new incorporations will be done once the process of selection, description and digitalization of documents about the independence movements of the Latin American Republics advances. Some of them are kept in other archives and public centers as well as private, but this process will enrich considerably the website.
The document browser is divided into three modules of advanced and simple research, as well as a digital inventory.
In the section MORE RESOURCES you will find a bibliography on this process that the CIDA´s Libraries Network and States Archives hold. There are also the catalogs that Pedro Torres Lanzas (Indies Archive Chief) made to commemorate the First Centenary, as well as other links and online resources related to the Independence.
CIDA is a member of the European Network for Information and Documentation in Latin America REDIAL (Red Europea de Información y Documentación sobre América Latina). With this website it fulfills a diffusion aim on Documentary Heritage of the two Atlantic banks, as well as it delivers a better knowledge of the Spanish common social and cultural roots with the Latin American countries