
Junta Central (Central Board) and Regency Council

The Junta Central Suprema Gubernativa del Reino or simply Junta Central establishes in Aranjuez on September 25, 1808 parallel to the heat of the triumph of the Battle of Bailén and also after the decision of Castille´s Council to declare void the abdications of Charles IV and Ferdinand VII at the city of Bayonne in favor of the Bonaparte.

The Junta Central was formed by 35 presidents from the Juntas Supremas (High Boards) of the former kingdoms. The Junta Central (Central Board) takes over the executive and legislative power after Ferdinand VII abdication, untying himself completely from Castille´s Council -the collegiate organism from the Central Administration considered French.

The Junta Central will apply governmental functions, will promote the Courts and will proclaim equality between Spain and the American territories on January 22, 1809 when announcing that the Spanish domains at the Indies where not entirely colonies or factories as the other nations, but rather an essential and integral part of the Spanish Monarchy. They invited the American territories to send representatives to their meetings.

Regarding the existence of a single-chamber or a bicameral one, the two options are held with a distribution set by stratum and the necessary majorities for the approval of the different Acts.

Due to the lack of unanimity, the decision made is that the Courts, once they are constitute, will decide over all processes. But the French invasion in Andalusia turns to be useful in order to push and get the dissolution of the Junta Central and Regency Council is designated. The call to Courts its on its way and begins sessions in Cadiz on September of 1810.
