
Political Centralism

The Bourbon Dynasty ascends the throne at the beginning of the 18th Century, resulting in a re-organization of the relationships between Spain and American territories. The Crown redesigns the economical, political, military and religious dependence model with the purpose to strength the power of the metropolis over the colonies as well as end with de facto autonomy that had been developed under the Hapsburgs Dynasty and finds a great financial wealth that could keep them with a high power rank within a changing and warlike international context.

The centralized administration, rising tax revenue, the unwillingness to permit Latin-Americans to access to public representatives positions, the control over military and ecclesiastic positions, the reinforcement of monopolies, the second conquest by Spanish merchants and the control of the Town Councils were the most important measures and the reasons for so much discomfort around the Continent, from Louisiana to Tierra de Fuego, during the lasts years of the 18th Century.

The reason for the reforms is to return to the American territories their main role as raw material and precious metals suppliers as well as the leaders in the market against the insufficient and little competitive peninsular manufactures. With these restructures, the King Charles III (Madrid, 1716-Madrid, 1788) bets for an economical, political and social unbalanced return that was established the first years of the conquest.

In 1783, Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, Count of Aranda and Spanish ambassador in France, addressed a Decision to the King Charles III on behalf of the United States independence. The proposal was to establish three infants in Mexico, Peru and Tierra Firme. The King of Spain will become Emperor and would be pleased with the sovereignty of Cuba islands and Puerto Rico as well as with tax payment and trade control. But this project will never take place.
