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  3. Useful links


  • Medievalismo Link externoSalto de línea Website on Spanish medieval studies. Offers access to specialised online periodicals, lists of publications, links to other related pages, etc.
  • Instituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici Link externoSalto de línea Institution founded in 1946 by Benedetto Croce dedicated to the study of History in relation to the philosophical sciences of logic, ethics, law, economics and politics, religion and the arts.
  • SHMESP. Société des Historiens Médiévistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur public Link externoSalto de línea This is the website for French University experts. It includes a specialised bibliography published by its members, with the PhD thesis read and registered in France and links to other related websites.
  • Institute de recherche et d'histoire des textes Link externoSalto de línea Among other services, it offers access to the online catalogue of their library and to the Médium database.
  • Institute for Medieval Studies Link externoSalto de línea This website offers access to the International Medieval Bibliography, published by this institution since 1967, and to an extensive list of links to other websites around the world.
  • Arborensia Nueva ventanaSalto de línea Official site of the Istituto Storico Arborense of Sardinia.
  • Institut d'Estudis Catalans Link externoSalto de línea Free access to the prescriptive Catalan dictionary, published by this institution, and to the Diccionari Català-Valencià-Balear.
  • Biblioteca de Catalunya Link externoSalto de línea Access to their online catalogues, among other services.
  • Biblioteca de Aragón Link externo Salto de línea Provides access to the Bibliographic Institute of Aragón, the Libraries Network of Aragón and the Bibliographic Archive of Aragón.
  • Biblioteca Valenciana Link externoSalto de línea Provides access to their online catalogues
  • Fundación Bartolomé March Link externoSalto de línea Library specialising in issues relating to the Balearic Islands from the 14th century to the present day.
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