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Board of Trustees of the Archives of the Crown of Aragon

Professional governing body for this Archive, created by Royal Decree 1267/2006, dated 8 November (Official Spanish Gazette (BOE) published 9 November), with the participation of the Ministry of Culture and the Autonomous Communities of Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands.


  • Approve, upon proposal of the Permanent Commission, the annual general action plan.
  • Monitor the level of completion of the plans and programmes, as well as carrying out any institutional support actions required by the Archive of the Crown of Aragon.
  • Be informed on and report on the plans and programmes for the acquisition, preservation and conservation of the documentary collections.
  • Provide its own reports for the annual report of activities drafted by the Director of the Archive of the Crown of Aragon and the draft budget that has to be presented by the National Archives Office.
  • Foster and promote participation by society in the enrichment, preservation, conservation and promotion of the documentary collections at the Archive of the Crown of Aragon, drafting the corresponding proposals.
  • Promote technical and historical relations and exchanges with other archives in Spain and abroad.
  • Issue the mandatory report on any proposal for the permanent transfer of archive collections.
  • Evaluate forms and manage the acquisition of extra resources from public and private institutions as appropriate.
  • Report on the appointment of the Director of the Archive of the Crown of Aragon.
  • Establish study commissions for certain purposes.

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