The Archives of the Crown of Aragon has contributed to the Project "Women researchers in state archives, 1900-1970" of the General Sub-directorate of State Archives during the years 2021 and 2022. The project aims to "Know and value the role of women in Spanish research during the years 1900-1970 through the documentary records kept in the AAEE Management Archives of the Ministry of Culture."Salto de línea On the occasion of International Women's Day 2023, the ACA presents a brief graphic summary of the general data of its women researchers in the proposed period. To begin with, the curve of their numerical progression between 1916, the date of the first documented female assistance, and 1970, which is compared with that of male researchers between 1910 and 1970 -in the background-. The data shows that the female influx to the Archive Research Room is 30% for the period as a whole, a figure that is not too different from the current proportion of users in the ACA Reading Room -33% between 2012 and 2022-. On the other hand, the proportion of women of Spanish nationality turns out to be 60%, a little above the masculine, since Spanish men are only 50% of the researchers.
With regard to the research topics and subjects of interest of these half a thousand women researchers, we present a cloud of terms that helps to visualize the disparity of historical objects preferred by them.